Ascencia 2019 - 2022 Strategic Plan
Ascencia is a non-profit organization whose mission is to lift people out of homelessness, one person, one family at a time. We envision a community where people in need can find services, resources, and safe, affordable housing. Ascencia has provided housing and services to homeless individuals and families since 2006, when it was founded as PATH Achieve Glendale. In 2012, Ascencia was named Organization of the Year by the Glendale Chamber of Commerce. That year Ascencia also launched its first ever capital campaign Advancing Ascencia. In 2018, Ascencia was named the California Nonprofit of the year in recognition of its operating model. As a result of this success and recognition, and the growing need in our community, the focus of the 2019 - 2022 Strategic Plan will be to expand our successful model to have a greater impact on clients in need. The vision statement for this strategic plan states that we are focusing on client impact expansion in order to provide more homeless individuals and families with best value oriented programs and services. In order to support this expansion, we have identified 4 pillars of the strategic plan. The 4 pillars are as follows:
- Financial Sustainability
- Management Infrastructure
- Jenny C. / Ron B.
- Kim G. / Laura D.
- Board Development
- Client Impact Expansion
- David B. / Ron B.
- Kristine N. / Laura D.
The main goal of each pillar is as follows:
1. Financial Sustainability: to grow sustainable revenue by diversifying funding sources
and increasing donors.
2. Board Development: to strive for professional and leadership development of our board
members, to create Ascencia ambassadors, and to ensure continuity.
3. Management Infrastructure: to focus on professional and leadership development,
training, efficiency, and technology to strengthen our current foundation.
4. Client Impact Expansion: to grow value oriented programs using the Ascencia model to
create more housing and services to lift more families and individuals out of
Organizational goals and action plans have been identified for each pillar by the Board, senior
leadership, and staff based on the organizational needs and prioritization.
Pillar #1: Financial Sustainability: to grow sustainable revenue by diversifying
funding sources and increasing donors.
1. Raise 1MM in additional revenue in the next 3 years.
2. Attract 15 new major donors in the next 3 years.
GOAL 1: Raise 1MM in additional revenue in the next 3 years.
Objective 1: Fundraising efforts will raise $300,000 gross annually ($900,000 gross total)
Project Description: Identify annual fundraising efforts and events according to a
strategic calendar that works with development and staff, board, and committees to
ensure that one event does not interfere or overlap with other fundraising, community
information events, staff processes, etc. - that impact the balance of paid staff and
volunteers and board members.
Project Lead: Development Director with Development Committee
Timeframe/Deadline: Annual calendar of events
Resources and Budget needed: Event Coordinator, staff and Board member time
Measures of Success: Money raised and new donors
Objective 2: Board Contributions that will raise $33,333 gross annually ($100,000 gross total)
[$33,333 / # of board members] = $ individual board member contribution
Project Description: Set a clear expectation for Board members to generate a certain
amount of money each year as part of the Give and Get initiative.
This expectation will be explained to board members during the orientation process.
Project Lead: Board President, Nominations Committee Chair, and Executive Director
Timeframe/Deadline: Annually
Resources and Budgets needed: Staff and Board member time. Give or get.
Measures of Success: Money raised annually
Objective 3: Raise an additional $50,000 in Foundation Grants in the next 3 years
Project Description: Apply for additional foundation grants that will raise an annual
amount of $16,666 per year or $50,000/3 in additional revenue in three years.
Identify foundations and application deadlines.
Project Lead: Development Director
Timeframe/Deadline: 10/1/19
Resources and Budget needed: Staff time, Grant Writer, or Elevate
Measures of Success: Funds raised annually
Goal 2: Attract 15 new major donors in the next 3 years that will generate $150,000 gross
income ($10,000 each donor)
Objective 1: Cultivate relationships with new major donors throughout the year ($10,000
each donor) to total 15 new major donors over next 3 years.
Project Description: Allow staff time and resources to go out in the community to create
and develop these relationships.
Project Lead: Development Director
Timeframe/Deadline: Annually
Resources and Budget needed: Staff and board member’s time.
Measures of Success: Additional funds raised annually in increments of $10,000 to total
$150,00 in 3 years.
Pillar #2: Board Development: to strive for professional and leadership
development of our board members to create Ascencia ambassadors and to
ensure continuity.
1. Have 23 active Board Members at all times
2. Develop a comprehensive orientation and training program
3. Develop a Succession Plan
Goal 1: Have 23 active Board Members at all times
Objective 1: Identify Board Member Mix Needed/Desired
Project Description: Identify the gaps in talent in our existing Board. Clearly identify the
skills/talents needed to help in the recruitment process that everyone agrees with.
Create a job description with position title, summary of role, and skills needed/desired.
Project Lead: Executive Director and Nominations Committee Chair
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Public Relations expense and Board member time
Measures of Success: Updating the matrix to show the type of prospects we need as
membership changes.
Objective 2: Identify Board Member Prospects
Project Description: Use our existing network to encourage referrals for potential
prospects. Once a prospect has been identified, identify a plan to develop a relationship
with person, bring them in for a tour, and invite this person to meetings so that they can
begin to learn about the organization and their potential role. Assign a mentor for the
Project Lead: Nominations Committee Chair
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Board member time
Measures of Success: Establishing a plan that help recruit the right type of Board
Objective 3: Develop Strategy Plan for Recruitment
Project Description: Once a promising prospect has been identified, he or she is
connected with the Nominations Committee Chair who will assess the person for the
appropriateness of membership.
Project Lead: Nominations Committee Chair
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Board member time
Measures of Success: A balanced Board Matrix
Goal 2: Develop a comprehensive orientation and training program
Objective 1: Develop a comprehensive Orientation Program
Project Description: This comprehensive orientation program will consist of an
orientation packet with the following information: our history, mission, org structure,
programs, bylaws, strategy plan, understand our clients (will have an opportunity to
meet and interact with our clients), and fund sources chart.
Project Lead: Nominations Committee Chair
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Board member time
Measures of Success: A successful orientation program that new board members
resonate with (will request feedback).
Objective 2: Develop an Ambassador Program for existing board members
Project Description: The Ambassador Program will prepare Board Members to speak
more confidently about our organization’s history, mission, programs, achievements,
etc., to help attract more donors.
It will include training on things such as: creating an elevator speech, allowing board
members opportunities to meet and interact with our clients (guest chef), participate in
ride-alongs with our outreach teams, etc.
Project Lead: Board
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Board and staff time
Measures of Success: A successful orientation program that existing board members
resonate with (will request feedback).
Goal 3: Develop a Succession Plan2: Develop a comprehensive orientation and training
Project Description: To ensure continuity, identify what qualified Board members will
take over each role in advance of the primary person’s departure.
Project Lead: Board President and Nominations Committee Chair
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Board member time
Measures of Success: Key positions will have a replacement in place according to the
agreed upon succession plan deadlines.
Pillar #3: Management Infrastructure: to focus on professional and leadership
development, training, efficiency, and technology to strengthen our current
1. Improve Staff Development and Satisfaction (staff survey)
2. Achieve and maintain a Retention Ratio of 10% improvement each year until we
reach 10% better than average staff retention for the non-profit sector.
3. Successful Implementation of 3 Technology Systems
4. Achieve 100% compliance with all mandatory trainings by 2021
Goal 1: Improve Staff Development and Satisfaction (staff survey)
Objective 1: Create an Employee Satisfaction Annual Survey and decide on a scoring system.
Project Description: Create an Employee Satisfaction Annual Survey that will touch on all
important employee related topics such as training and development, compensation,
work life balance, career development, etc. Create a scoring system and decide on a
“healthy” score to measure our success.
Project Lead: Rick White
Timeframe/Deadline: Dec 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Access a cost-free survey via Paychex or Express Pros.
Measures of Success: Average Satisfaction ratings of 80% or higher.
Goal 2: Achieve and maintain a Retention Ratio of 10% better than average retention for the
non-profit sector by year 3.
Objective 1: Improve the employee onboarding experience
Project Description: Establish an onboarding experience that is more seamless, efficient,
and comprehensive so that new employees can take on their roles faster and better
Project Lead: Rick White
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019 (develop plan)
Resources and Budget needed: Staff time
Measures of Success: Employees reporting that they had a positive onboarding
experience that prepared them to take on their new roles.
Objective 2: Develop a training program for each position
Project Description: To ensure employees taking on new roles are meeting their full
potential, with a training program developed for each position.
Project Lead: Operations Manager
Timeframe/Deadline: Dec 1, 2019
Resources and Budget needed: Staff time and input from the Director of Programs
Measures of Success: Employees communicating that they feel well trained and
empowered in their roles.
Objective 3: Develop a cross training program
Project Description: To ensure continuity, a cross training program will be developed.
The purpose of this is in case one employee is on LOA, resigns, etc., another employee
will be able to immediately jump into that position to keep things moving.
A more detailed plan will be developed with time.
Project Lead: Rick White
Timeframe/Deadline: Dec 1, 2019 (develop plan)
Resources and Budget needed: Ascencia Directors and Supervisory staff.
Measures of Success: Employees communicating that they feel well cross-trained and
would be comfortable performing in another position if needed.
Objective 4: Hire 1 grant writer
Project Description: A full time grant writer will be hired to help apply for additional
grants and increase our revenue.
A more detailed plan will be developed with time.
Project Lead: Operations Manager and Executive Director
Timeframe/Deadline: Dec 1, 2019 (hire grant writer)
Resources and Budget needed: Sustainable funding to cover associated costs.
Measures of Success: Hiring a successful grant writer by our deadlines who helps us
achieve our grant goals.
Objective 6: Increase DHS/ICMS by 4 caseloads per year beginning in 2019
Project Description: Coordinate with DHS to add one Intensive Services Case
Management caseload per quarter each year.
Project Lead: Director of Programs
Timeframe/Deadline: Quarterly
Resources and Budget Needed: Leased space in which to locate the Case Managers.
Measures of Success: Successful addition of caseloads according to the timeline.
Goal 3: Successful Implementation of 3 Technology Systems
Objective 1: Successful Implementation of a new Phone System
Project Description: Will need to identity our phone system needs, identity the new
system that meets those needs and is within budget, and allow time for successful
implementation and training.
Project Lead: Operations Manager
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2021 (successful implementation)
Resources and Budget needed: Need to raise funds to pay for a new phone system.
Measures of Success: The successful implementation of a new phone system by our
deadline that meets our needs and staff receives full training on.
Objective 2: Successful Implementation of a new Website that is ADA Compliant
Project Description: Update Ascencia’s website, hire a company to design the website
that is within budget, and allow time for a successful implementation and training.
Project Lead: Development Director and Operations Manager
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2021 (successful implementation)
Resources and Budget needed: Need to raise $10,000 and hire company to build it.
Measures of Success: The successful implementation of a website by our deadline that
meets our needs and is ADA compliant.
Objective 3: Successful Implementation of a new Computer Network
Project Description: Will need to identity our network needs, identity the new system
that meets those needs and is within budget, and allow time for implementation and
Project Lead: Operations Manager
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2021 (successful implementation)
Resources and Budget needed: Need to raise funds and work with vendor on
implementation and staff training on our new network.
Measures of Success: The successful implementation of a new network by our deadline
that meets our needs and staff is fully trained on.
Goal 4: Achieve 100% compliance with all mandatory trainings by 2021
Objective 1: Develop a Compliance Training Schedule
Project Description: Identify all trainings that need to be done, the frequency and
deadlines. We will them create a schedule of when staff will take the trainings. This
schedule will be updated frequently to ensure accuracy.
Project Lead: Operations Manager and Director of Programs
Timeframe/Deadline: Oct 1, 2019 (schedule)
Resources and Budget needed: Training Budget
Measures of Success: The successful creation a complete and comprehensive training
schedule that is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Objective 2: Implement Compliance Training for all employees based on Schedule
Project Description: Based on the schedule created, organized, and updated, we will
implement the training for all employees and ensure 100% compliance.
Project Lead: Operations Manager
Timeframe/Deadline: June 1, 2022
Resources and Budget needed: Training Budget
Measures of Success: Achieving 100% training compliance by 2022.
Pillar #4: Client Impact Expansion: to grow value oriented programs using the
Ascencia model to create more housing and services to lift more families and
individuals out of homelessness.
1. Complete a Community Needs Assessment by 2021
2. Open 2 Satellite locations by 2022
3. Open 1 Emergency Shelter
Goal 1: Complete a Community Needs Assessment by 2021
Objective 1: A Successful In-house needs Assessment
Project Description: Develop a plan for a successful in-house needs assessment that will
help us determine the locations of the 2 satellite locations and one emergency shelter
location based on community needs.
Project Lead: Director of Programs and Board Member, Lauren Willner
Timeframe/Deadline: June 30, 2021
Resources and Budget needed:
Measures of Success: Identification of two new locations for Ascencia to expand to and
provide services.
Goal 2: Open 2 Satellite locations by 2022
Objective 1: Identify opportunities for collaboration
Project Description: Identify opportunities for collaboration in the areas that we are
migrating into. These partnership will aid in our success.
Project Lead: Executive Director
Timeframe/Deadline: Sept 30, 2021
Resources and Budget needed: A sustainable funding source.
Measures of Success: Ascencia will be providing services in 2 new service locations.
Objective 2: Identify Funding needs and sources
Project Description: Identify the funds needed to cover the overhead for these satellite
locations and then identify sources available to receive these funds.
1 Van per location
1-2 co-located staff per location. Staff at the Emergency shelter depends on shelter size.
Project Lead: Executive Director and Director of Programs
Timeframe/Deadline: June 30, 2021
Resources and Budget needed: Sustainable funding.
Measures of Success: Executed agreements or sub-agreements to co-locate staff or
operate separate, new locations.
Goal 3: Open 1 Emergency Shelter
Objective 1: Identify an appropriate location via the community needs assessment
Project Description: Open one emergency shelter in addition to the 2 satellite locations.
Project Lead: Executive Director and Director of Programs
Timeframe/Deadline: June 30, 2022
Resources and Budget needed: A suitable location and sustainable funding.
Measures of Success: Ascencia will operate a second Emergency Shelter at a new